3 Ingredient Queso


Servings: 3


  • 1 cup whole milk cottage cheese, blended smooth 

  • 2/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese 

  • 1 tbsp taco seasoning

  • ½ tsp paprika

  • A La Madre Low Carb Tortillas (discount code: lowcarblove)

  • Avocado oil for frying 

  • Cucumbers + Bell peppers to serve


  1. Blend 1 cup of cottage cheese until it’s smooth and creamy.

  2. Add to a microwave safe bowl along with the cheddar cheese and taco seasoning.

  3. Stir everything together and microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds.  

  4. Serve with low carb tortilla chips or bell pepper slices and enjoy! 


Nutrition per serving for the dip:

  • Calories - 101

  • Fat - 5g

  • Protein - 12g

  • Total Carbs - 3g

  • Net Carbs - 3g


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